I came, I saw, I went home

My Sect
Somewhat religious
My Profession
Marital Status
Michigan, Ann Arbor
United States
Registration Reason
I'm registering to find myself a partner
A Little Bit About Me
If you are looking for someone to keep you on your toes - you need to find a ballet teacher. But if you want someone who keeps you fascinated and entertained, you need me. Instead of writing cliches about myself, I am going to do a list. If you ask me a good question, I will add it to my ever growing list, so feel free to write and ask.

FAVORITE TRAIT: I am an educator and a public speaker so one of my best traits is probably my communication skills. (As 93% of communication is non verbal, it may be hard to convey that here!!) Oh and I am a great cook too.

FAVORITE ORGAN: My favorite organ is my heart. Apart from the obvious fact that it is vital for my existence, it keeps me grounded. When you see so much suffering around the world, you have have two choices - make your heart become defective by ignoring it, or make it bigger by healing the world with altruistic acts.

FAVORITE MEMORY: Every smile I create or experience is a wonderful memory. Smiles are sunnah and they are essential for the existence of this fragile world. They are also the best panacea for sadness. My favorite image is of my mom smiling. That reminds me of my purpose in life - to make her proud of me.

BEST VOLUNTEERING: I have been volunteering for years and plan to do so as long as I can, so perhaps I haven't experienced my best volunteering yet but anything involving mentoring children will probably top my list.

BEST RELIGION: hmm. As the creator of this list, I am going to give two. My first is my religion of Islam. I am a very spiritual person and most of my volunteering is with Muslim youth because I want them to love Islam as much as I do. The second is love. The worshippers of love are the best people I know. I guess a Muslim lover would be the perfect person.

HOW WOULD YOUR FRIENDS DESCRIBE YOU: lol. I dont think i can write some things here! However, I would like to think that they would say that I have a hippy spirit because my creed is "Khidmat-e-Khalq" Service to all mankind (and yes, I am a proud tree hugger). I also think they would say that I have proven myself to be an affable, loyal and wise confidante.

FAVORITE PICTURE: The ones that are in my private gallery, waiting to be shown to the guy who has enough respect for women to talk to them at least once. If you want to see my pictures before you talk to me, you have already excluded yourself as a person I might find interest in. I am easy on the eyes

I know, I missed many things, but to save us both time, whatever all the other lovely women have posted on their profiles that you liked..yeah..i am like that too.

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What I Am Looking For
I want a wise, sagacious, insightful, contemplative mind. I desire someone who has a sardonic wit and an evil sense of humor that makes me want to love them more with every burst of joy they bring to my heart. I long for someone whose loving words can arouse my soul and make me soar with their breathtaking smile.
I need a mellow soul and a passionate heart who is my best friend, mentor, my foundation and rock and most importantly, my spiritual partner on the path to enlightenment.

For the plain English speakers: Wagwan, yo check it out - I need a well chill guy blud who loves fam and is a great bro to everyone yeah. I aint got no time for you wasteman bros who just be looking like peng tings cos doh I iz on fleek and well fit like, I aint no sket, so just allow it, yeah.

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Personal Information
My Citizenship
Country of Origin
Willing to Relocate?
I am Looking to Marry
My Income
Prefer not to say
Marital Status
Would I like to have Children?
Do I have children?
My Living Arrangements?
I Live With Family
United States
Michigan, Ann Arbor
My Height
1.65m (5' 5")
My Build
My Hair Colour
Colour of My Eyes
Do I Smoke?
Do I Have Any Disabilities?
My Education Level
Bachelors degree
Subject I Studied
My First Language
My Second Language
My Profession
My Job Title
Educational consultant
Somewhat religious
My Sect
Prefer not to say
Are You a Revert?
Do You Keep Halal?
I Always Keep Halal
Do You Perform Salaah?